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GNS3_Logo This website will contain information explaining how to use the GNS-3 emulator for network simulations. It will be used in different courses given at HEIA-FR (IP Networking, MSE courses, Network Automation, etc.).

GNS-3 is a network emulator. It can emulate routers, switches, firewalls and a lot of devices. It has a graphical user interface (GUI) for using dynamips (Cisco router emulator) and dynagen (text frontend for dynamips). Also provides access to QEMU to emulate various platforms (Linux, Cisco Firewall, Juniper and others).

At HEIA-FR, we also have GNS-3 VM’s installed in our private cloud, on which we can emulate different kinds of networks. The main advantage is that this will not consume resources on the student machines and that two or more students can work simultaneously on the devices.

Simulation example

Official GNS-3 Documentation

GNS-3 Ressources at HEIA-FR

Those resources require a login.